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Lunch Program

For the convenience of our student families, hot and cold lunch options are available to order through Whitsons School Lunches.

Whitsons School Lunch Program Instructions

  • Lunch orders will be placed online using this website:
  • When on the site, type in the search bar DA-Our Lady of Perpetual Help and click "search" then "lunch"
  • To order a meal, click on the icon "Build a Meal" and go to the respective days and place order.
  • Order ahead a week at a time or a month at a time
  • All orders need to be in by Saturday the week prior. Ordering will close at 5:30 pm on Saturday night. Any orders placed after that will not come through the system.
  • STS accounts will be charged every Monday, no cash/checks 
  • All hot sides noted on the menu come with the Hot Entree; all Cold entrees ordered will come with a cold fruit and vegetable.
  • Important for student absences: If your child is absent on a day that you ordered, their meal can be sent home with a sibling or will be refrigerated and given to them to bring home upon their return to school.